
Chronotopia Rafal Looking

Chronotopia is an on-going experiment combining visual synthesis and cathode-ray tube TVs. Inspired by Mikhail Bakhtin’s use of xронотоп (Chronotope), our individual perception of time changes in function of our thoughts, emotions, and activities, yet our social and technological structures depend on precise and sometimes subtle appreciation of an objective measure of duration. We must, by necessity, exist in a constant state of tension between alternate time structures. Could this be the reason for our enduing inability to deeply and truly connect with one another?

Chronotopia at Cialo Chronotopia From Far

  • xycknss at Ciało (Wroclaw, Poland) 26/1/2022
  • Wyspa Tamka (Wroclaw, Poland) 4-6/9/2020

CRT Test

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