
Nonplaces are anthropological spaces of transience, in which we pass through as anonymous agents. Coined by the French anthropologist Marc Augé, nonplaces from trains to shopping malls signifies our contemporary existence. Our awareness and experience in those nonplaces are constantly stimulated and simulated, only in a partial manner and on a subconscious level. However, as nonplaces are usurping our super-modern life, we also recognize that nonplaces enable us to meditate and look innerwards.

We contemplate and celebrate (in)significance of nonplaces, using sounds and visuals taken from and motivated by trains and train stations. Trains put us in between what we leave behind and what we seek towards. In between home and home away from home. In this rapidly speeding bullet of time, space, and memories, long train rides bring out faded memories and put us into a certain trance. That rapidly diminishing tunnels and stations and beloved ones. Those inaudible announcements projecting the next stations or the delays. They remind us of our roles in nonplaces, constantly in transit, and never reaching stability.

Performance: Via Nonplaces

Collaborated with a composor Chelsea Loew and a musician Alperen Şahin, this performance delves deeper into contemporary composition motivated by nonplaces. Recorded sounds and videos from train travels are used to create graphical scores, custom instruments/samples, and visualizations, that are combined into an improvisational performance.

Film: Interdimensional Express

Long train rides bring out faded memories and put us into a certain trance. Senses of belonging and nostalgia rush through the train tracks and through our veins. “Interdimensional Express” explores these atmospheres via the contemporary audio visual compositions.

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